Sunday, September 28, 2008

Apparently sleep is over-rated

Landon is usually a pretty good sleeper these days, but of course has decided to go on a sleeping strike this weekend. Daddy is in with Landon rocking and/or bouncing him to sleep for the second time tonight. He only catnapped for half an hour after the first rocking/bouncing session.

Another recent sleep development is that he won't fall asleep with me. I know I'm lots of fun and everything, but yah gotta sleep sometime, kid. All he wants to do with me is nurse. When I hold him to rock him and put him to sleep his face goes straight "there" and roots like crazy. One would think a kid like this would take a pacifier, right? Nope, not my kid, just the real thing for him. He doesn't want to eat though, just pacify; and I don't want any bad habits to start, so Daddy's got put Landon to sleep duty.

I was hoping to start to move forward with some really light sleep training. To start weaning off of the swaddle or start weaning off of sleeping in the crib wedge and/or Boppy pillow. Since this weekend's developments though, I'd be happy with a return of our quick bedtime routine that used to last all of five to ten minutes just last week.

Getting settled in our new routine has left me with little time to update pictures and other various but equally important things. A belated welcome to NFL for Landon. He helped Daddy cheer the Denver Broncos on and celebrated their victory over those goofy Oakland Raiders in style.

And, just in time for fall we had to break out the pumpkin hat!

Ahh...sleep at last! I think he's finally down for the night. Now it's Mom's turn to get a few hours in.

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