Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dare I say it...

You're in for a shock. I miss being pregnant. Now that your gasp is hushed and you've picked your jaw up off the floor... I must admit that I'm actually a little sad not to have a baby belly anymore. Pregnancy really agreed with me, at least for the first 32 weeks. Not a bit of morning sickness, not a whole lot of weight gained or swelling until things started to go haywire late in the game, no rediculous food cravings or aversions, just like Landon seems to be a mellow little guy pregnancy was the same way for me. I did have a few bumps in the road (yes, aside from the big bump front and center). Food poisoning around 12 weeks, hives after that; but those things really could have happened anytime and weren't pregnancy related.

I miss feeling him wriggle around in there. I miss having him all to myself. I miss that incredible feeling of having another life growing inside. I miss the anticipation of what's to come, the preparation, the excitement. Not that I want to shove Landon back in there, but I'm kinda sad it's over.

When I think too much about missing pregnancy I think about the swollen cankles and how I couldn't fit into any shoes but flip flops, all those non-stress tests and 24 hour pee tests, the annoying blood pressure monitoring, the impressive case of carpel tunnel syndrome I still haven't rid myself of all the way, and the anxiety of giving birth too early.

Will we have another one someday? I hope so. I certainly don't take our little guy for granted and hope beyond all hopes that I'll again be pregnant someday and will get to experience all those things again. For now though, I'm thoroughly enjoying my little guy and am realizing just how quickly they grow up.

1 comment:

janessa said...

lady... you're CRAZY! You couldn't pay me to be pregnant again for a long while... I miss rubbing the belly and the kicks from inside but that's IT! (ok, ok, I have to admit, that was pretty much the coolest baby carrier around! Kept her pretty quiet, too!)